Psychological First Aid
Practical Strategies to Take Care of Others and Yourself
So, what is Psychological First Aid?
Psychological First Aid (PFA) aims to provide you with basic knowledge and skills to help adults who are affected by a crisis in life.
The crisis which includes man-made, natural, and personal, can be overwhelming for an individual to cope.
PFA is not something that only professionals can do. Neither is it professional counseling nor attempting to diagnose someone's mental state.
Instead, it is about making a distressed individual feel safe, connected to others, calm and hopeful, and having access to social, physical, and emotional support.
By applying PFA skills, you will be able to support the individual through the crisis and refer them to professional help.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this workshop, learners will learn:
about the nature of crises and their impacts
the key differences between stress, distress and burnout
knowledge and skills to recognise the signs of distress.
practical suggestions about how to provide emotional support with empathetic communication skills as you practice the principles of PFA.
the most supportive things to say and do for very distressed people.
different approaches to engage new situations safely for yourself and others, and not to cause harm by your actions.
to build your own capacity and emotional resilience to reduce the initial distress of others and promote flexible coping to help them overcome their crisis.
practical strategies for self-care.
Workshop Outline
Session 1
Introduction to Crises and their Impacts
definition of crises
appreciating a variety of crises (natural disasters, pandemic, organizational, familial, and personal)
the impacts of crises on physical, psychological and social well-being
sharing of experiences
Session 2
Introduction to Stress, Distress, and Burnout: What’s the link?
definitions of stress, distress, and burnout
appreciating the subjective nature and differences between stress and distress
identifying signs of stress and distress
workplace and/or school burnout
identifying signs of burnout
practical strategies and interventions
Session 3
Psychological First Aid (PFA) – Core Action Principles and its Application
defining Psychological First Aid (PFA)
development of the PFA concept
core PFA action principles and its application
role play and debrief
Session 4
Active Listening and Empathic Communication Skills
establishing empathy and rapport
principles of active listening
effective communication during PFA – what to say and not to say
building resilience through empathy
Workshop Details
Date: Contact Nichole for more info | Nichole Yeo (91824802 /
Time: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Venue: Hotel (To be Confirmed)
Fees: $500